Leonardo Miler

ТОП-11 легких языков программирования в 2023 Какой выбрать

Данный ЯП – хороший вариант для программистов, которые хотят самостоятельно разработать приложение. Нужно знать только Swift, так как на старом языке Objective-C написаны приложения, которые сегодня не нужно дорабоатывать. Те разработчики, которым было нужно дорабатывать свои приложения, переписали код на Swift. Например, С и С++ применяются для ресурсоемких приложений и ПО для устройств с небольшой …

ТОП-11 легких языков программирования в 2023 Какой выбрать Leia mais »

Recruiting chatbots: The ultimate secret to hiring success in 2023

Recruitment chatbot: Automate your HR process in minutes without coding With more employees using a VoIP system to work from home due to Covid-19, this is more important than ever. Humanly uses AI to offload various tasks from the HR team, including interviewing, surveying, analyzing, on-boarding and off-boarding within seconds. It also records human voices …

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DIFFERENTIAL COST ANALYSIS: Examples & Application to Businesses

Therefore, for these 2,000 additional units, the incremental manufacturing cost per unit of product will be an average of $20 ($40,000 divided by 2,000 units). The reason for the relatively small incremental cost per unit is due to the cost behavior of certain costs. For example, when the 2,000 additional units are manufactured most fixed …

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How do you find the earnings deficit? Is it on the balance sheet? Personal Finance & Money Stack Exchange

Governments must also consider alternative solutions that leverage their assets and the depth of their balance sheets. Indonesia’s DMO, for instance, has issued bonds to fund the country’s response to the COVID-19 crisis and its economic recovery. Thanks to sound fiscal discipline in the preceding years—a deficit of less than 3 percent and a debt-to-GDP …

How do you find the earnings deficit? Is it on the balance sheet? Personal Finance & Money Stack Exchange Leia mais »

How AI Chatbots Can Help Streamline Your Business Operations

How to build your own AI Chatbot from scratch You can see a lot of articles about what would make a chatbot “appear intelligent”. It can be a wonderfully designed conversational interface that is smooth and easy to use. It could be natural language processing and understanding where it is able to understand sentences that …

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The Pros and Cons of Customer Service Automation

The Ultimate Guide to Customer Service Automation in 2023 The bot builder helps you build chatbots using the no-code GUI builder to create distinct automated customer responses unique to every use case in your business. Ada offers a compelling customer service value proposition through automation, personalization, and speedy implementation. Ada can accurately process customer queries …

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What Is Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence Wiki

2204 08009 WikiOmnia: generative QA corpus on the whole Russian Wikipedia The concern is that machine-generated content has to be balanced with a lot of human review and would overwhelm lesser-known wikis with bad content. While AI generators are useful for writing believable, human-like text, they are also prone to including erroneous information, and even …

What Is Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence Wiki Leia mais »